I like to think that I'm one of those tough cookies who doesn't let anything knock me out. As a kid, I didn't take sick days. The annoyance of a cold in my school-day or even an upset stomach wasn't worth the eminently greater annoyance it would be to try to catch up from a missed day. I was one of THOSE kids.
Then again...as a kid I just didn't get sick that much either. It's still a little funny for me to call off of work or play hooky but this past week Strep throat turned me into a lifeless mess and I just removed myself from my own world for awhile. I showed up at my sister's house and she said to me, "you really like looking sick when you're sick...don't you."
I love those comments that aren't questions when they should be. "don't you."
Point is, my dreads and...well...my person as a whole is a mess.
One of my good friends returned to town for a quick visit and she did the eager once-over that girls tend to do: that little thing we have to do to be more believable when we say "you look great!" or "You got a new haircut!" or any such greetings of flattery. This particular friend is a sweet sweet person so even though she saw me in the thick of my pathetic-ness, she said "oh you look great!" and then very quickly and maybe unthinkingly added "can I...work on your dreads...they're kind of growing out?"
I still like em.
Maybe i'm one of the few who still like em.
Facebook and conversation has indicated that 2 of my 6 dreaded friends have given up and chopped their dreads off. Another 2 of the 6 dreaded have been talking about chopping them off.
We're rare one day, then not the next.
But because of the mess this hairstyle really is to keep up...those of us who stick it out probably will be rare again.
There's a reason why the most common comment to dreads is "I USED TO have dreads once..."
well i'm stickin it out.